Are you ready to be a father?

Getting married and having children is the way of life for all of us. Is the question – are we ready to get married and after that are we prepared to become a father? Why this question? Let us discuss.

Most of us are not always ready to get married. We are waiting for the right partner. We have career and money issues. We have emotional problems. We don’t want to get married in a hurry and then break up. We, therefore, weigh all the options and wait for the opportune time. Only after we are satisfied, we get married. Am I correct?

Becoming a father is equally tricky. Before becoming a father, you have to make sure that your wife is ready to become a mother. That both of you have settled into the marriage and don’t foresee many problems ahead. Your career has picked up, and you are saving money. You have a good home, and you are otherwise free of problems. Only after satisfying yourself about all these, can you think of becoming a father?

Fatherhood involves many issues. As soon as you get a child, you will find that your wife is paying more attention to her child than to you. Your nights will not be as peaceful as before. Visits to doctors may increase. Vacationing may become difficult and partying may have to be cut. There are many such changes that a new child brings along with a lot of joy. Please think about the pros and cons before deciding to become a father. Your child should never suffer because of your frustrations. Your kid will be your most precious possession. Think carefully and decide.